
Brooklyn Spousal Support

Throughout the State of New York, maintenance and/or Spousal Support are key parts in legal separations and/or divorces. Whether battling through a divorce or a working through one less combative, matters of Spousal Support are addressed when both spouses are dividing property and assets. Whether you’re the one seeking the support or the one potentially responsible to pay it, your Brooklyn Spousal Support Lawyer will be a significant part of your outcome of the case. At Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC, a Brooklyn Family Lawyer or a Brooklyn Divorce Lawyer from our firm—in all boroughs of New York City including Westchester County, as well as Long Island in Suffolk and Nassau Counties—will provide a free consultation, as well as experience and dedication needed for your case to safeguard your welfare.

Every Brooklyn Spousal Support Lawyer can tell you that in New York, the courts have the power to grant Spousal Support to one of the spouses as a part of the divorce. Spousal Support, better known as alimony in other jurisdictions, is payment of money given by one spouse to the other with the mindset of maintaining an equitable standard of living for both spouses. Your Brooklyn Family Lawyer will explain how the New York City Courts can order payment of Spousal Support or maintenance from either spouse to give to the other. Payments may be granted as a one time sum, or a long term payout.

How Spousal Support is Determined

The courts have vast discretion when they are granting an amount of money which has been regarded as necessary to support the receiving spouse, but only when the conclusion was reached based upon facts and the current circumstances when the Spousal Support was granted. The court cautiously reviews all the case facts, and your Brooklyn Family Lawyer has the responsibility for presenting the facts and information in an appropriate manner in an effort to reach your goal. Here are some of the Court’s considerations.

  • Length of marriage
  • How the spouses conducted themselves during the marriage
  • Sources of income, income levels, and occupations of both parties
  • Skills and/or ability to be employed for both spouses
  • Contributions made as homemaker or parent by spouse seeking maintenance
  • Accounting and disclosure of Assets and debts
  • Each Spouses’ opportunities for the future earning potential
  • Spouses’ age and health
  • Tax ramifications
  • Special needs (if any exist) for either spouse

A Brooklyn Spousal Support Lawyer from our team, with numerous locations in NYC, can explain both kinds of Spousal Support or maintenance:

Permanent Maintenance: Payment for food, clothing, housing, and other needs. Spouses seeking permanent support are required to prove a need exists for support. Once it has been awarded, permanent support remains effective until a change in circumstances justifies a review.

Rehabilitative Maintenance: A common, yet temporary form of payment with the intent to support a spouse who is developing or refreshing job experience to obtain employment or a vocation.

Spousal Support (Child Support and Custody issues as well) is frequently the most difficult aspect of a divorce, and for this reason you will need to speak with one of the Brooklyn Spousal Support Lawyers at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC. Call 800.696.9529 and schedule an appointment for your free initial consultation at one of our locations in Brooklyn, Manhattan or the surrounding areas. Every Family Lawyer on our team knows that Spousal Support issues—and other Family Law concerns—greatly impact the future way of life for both spouses, and it’s our job to help you attain a resolution that won’t leave you financially hindered.

Client Reviews
My ex-husband hadn't paid child support or the mortgage on the house as he was supposed to. Stephen Bilkis and his team of lawyers were amazing. They stopped the foreclosure on the house, Got a judgment against him and most importantly kept me and my children in the house. Can't say enough good things about him in the firm their compassion hard work and dedication were exceptional. I.G.
From the very first phone call to Stephen Bilkis' office, the staff was extremely polite and helpful in assisting me. Mr. Bilkis was honest and upfront with me from the beginning in what he projected the outcome of my case would be; in the end we got better results than either of us anticipated. He was very genuine and compassionate in understanding my situation and how this legal matter could effect not only myself but my family as well. I highly recommend this law firm and will most definitely continue using them for any future legal needs. Jarrett
Stephen has handled numerous estate matters, criminal matters and family court matters effectively and with a goal-oriented approach. He gets great results and is a results-oriented attorney. Dustin